Monday, September 20, 2010

Ouija Board History and Origins

What is a Ouija Board?

A Ouija board is a flat surface with letters, numbers, printed and other symbols to which a planchette or movable indicator points.

The Ouija board has two rows of curved letters, one above the other. The top row goes from A to M, and the lower row runs from N to Z. In these numbers is a number from one to zero. In the top left of the table is the word Yes, and top right, No word near the bottom ofFarewell to the edge.

A small device with three legs in the shape of heart rests on the edge, which moves smoothly over the surface of the board. The fingers of the participants moved the planchette then allow to write on the board, which created its own merits.

The Ouija board is not a simple story, there are several different hypotheses.

Towards the end of the nineteenth century the first genuine Ouija board was invented. And 'significantDisagreement over who actually invented it - names are grown Elijah Bond, EC Rich and Charles Kennard.

The first patent to speak for cards Modern-class was recorded in 1890 and referred to Elijah Bond as the inventor with Charles W. Kennard and William HA Maupin as the title.

Charles Kennard and associates set up the Kennard Novelty Company and began to produce and sell Ouija boards in the business.

The Ouija board production rights were sold toParker Brothers, which has been updated. It 's interesting - if not a bit' scared to think - he can do, what began as an instrument for spiritualists, clairvoyants and media purchased today, as his child's toy.

History and origins of Ouija Board

They walk slowly and sit in the dusty shadow table with a mysterious map with letters, numbers from zero to nine and the words yes and no to the opposite ends. Sitting on top of a triangular woodenPlanchette. Put your hands on the display, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and ask the question. Suddenly, his hands moving, personal care, without provocation, the answer to your question. The hair on the neck is sitting on the end and you shudder to the event as a lone tear from his left eye ... How could you know?

You have just experienced your first Ouija board - a paranormal means to contact the spirit world! Also known as a council to speak or spirit,the Ouija board itself, but 150 years, but the practice of using reply cards in China for more than three thousand years.

Over the years, the basic concept of the Ouija board has not changed - usually with some photos of the day / night, good and evil with the letters of the alphabet, the digits zero to nine, yes and no. Alone or in groups, you get your hands on the tablet, and ask a question aloud, or let theSpirits to accompany you in an answer.

Regardless of the planchette sold in 1800 was in itself a novelty in the middle. It 'was a simple device with foot coaster brake and a pencil attached to the spirits who draw or write messages have been activated. It was not until 1891, when two businessmen Elijah Bond and Charles Kennard got the idea to group table and the table together for the first patent Modern Talking Board as a new board game. Instead of using aPencil, would place a marker so that the user would direct. William Fuld, for which the rights to the game was invented by the first two do not add the name Ouija until 1901. Long after Fuld's death, the rights to Parker Brothers Ouija board, which still sells today still hold the rights and patents.

The name is not fully known, but I think that most took the French word "oui" which means "Yes" and the German word"Yes" means "yes."

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