Friday, October 15, 2010

Archery Games and Entertainment - Bare is better

Our club archery in medieval style, comrades of the Longbow, have over the years, many challenges in developing games and archery. Unfortunately, almost impossible to find games archery games on the internet googling, since the keywords such as games archery "just carrying the computer. This will be one of many articles describing it, so to try and hope you enjoy. They can be played by all styles of archery, but may need improvements in variousTypes of bows. For those archers shoot seriously, these games provide some relief by the arrows ass in a pounding and can help sharpen your skills. Above all, these games are safe (I once saw a blind man buff for ......).

Hitting everything with a longbow is rather complicated, it is not surprising since it is basically a length of bent wood and a piece of string. So if you want to hit the target, is getting comfortable with the performance. On the other hand, we havehave the modern recurve and compound with sights, stabilizers and aid release. In the hands of a decent archer, its accuracy is phenomenal. When it comes to archery play the game, its accuracy is a bit 'a problem that most of the games would be over very quickly. For games and be competitive in a fun, degree of randomness is necessary to take these shots help. Now I'm not against archery modern, it's just that it is geared toward one thing -just hit a FITA.

Remove all aid - Shooting white sheet - intuitively means that it shoots to hit the target. With intuitive, I mean, look at your destination, pull and shoot - the eye and the brain guides the arm shot, without having to think. It 's like throwing a stone in a can. It is not necessary to focus as such a goal, but only for the cast and stone. With (much) practice what you see is what you get. Some of the games areTargets at different distances, so you have to rely on binocular vision to judge distances. Shooting is also indirectly a common technique - shooting the arrow into the air that comes close to the target.

So if you try one of these games, I recommend you play the style sheet blank.


A team game that requires speed and precision.


A 80 cm FITA target face style to the team,mounted on an ass and stop.
Each shooter has 6 arrows.
Details of the game

The archers are divided into teams, each with 6 arrows archer. I recommend no more than six archers in a team otherwise there is a strong possibility, damage arrow (not) make best use of trees in carbon fiber!).
The archer from each team shoots up to three arrows to the white ring from his goal. If they hit, that he will retire from the line of fire (even if you do not shoot three arrows)and the next team member steps up to the shooting line and targets for black.
When is black, the next steps to hit targets for the archers and the blue line.
The game continues until the team hit all the colors from white to gold and then back to white gold.
If an athlete lacks the color, shot three arrows, the next shooter continues to point to that color.
During the game, when all the archers shot two times each (6 arrows)then "almost" is and the game was suspended, then the archers retrieve their arrows from the targets. The game then the next shooter to shoot more.
The winning team is the first to go from white to gold and then gold on white.
If a team member is unsure about where their arrow has landed (for example, very close to the boundary line between two rings), then you can warn the captain of the field cry is: "Fast". All recording is stopped immediately, while the captain checked the areaThe position of the arrow. If the arrow intersects the line is the highest rating of color that counts. The commander of the playing field again.

Speed Color

If a shooter makes the team a color, go to the next color (assuming they have all the arrows on the left). The team tried to get in white gold and vice versa, as soon as possible.
The first team to have all the archers shoot their calls two "fast" and you'restop immediately and stop all other teams have to shoot. The arrows are collected and the game continues.
The winning team is the first to go from white to gold and then gold on white.
Custom colors

Even if the color is a team game, there is no reason why it can be played individually.
Each shooter shoots six arrows, from white, then black, etc.
An archer can only go to the next color, if the previous one has been affected.
Once aArcher shot all 6 arrows, shouting "fast" and all others must stop firing, even if you do not shoot all their arrows.
The arrows are collected and the game continues.
The first shooter to go from white to gold and then again in white gold is the winner.
courtesy of the game

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