Monday, October 4, 2010

Football - truly the world game

Football: What great memories, thoughts, and the voltage produced by this word. At that moment, the world in the chaos of the world championship of football - yes, I call it football, because I think it's a toy in the hands of the only true "foot". Imagine if the number of people, the atmosphere can be seen in their country - if they have qualified to compete has to offer on stage at the biggest sports tournament in the world. The nice thing is that all nations hold someInterested in this show. This is something tangible from South America to Australia. From Asia to Europe to the United States.

Imagine if the passion of the fans of these nations, if a goal of communicating to others the advantage in a particular game, or even more interesting the winning goal in World Cup final itself!

Ok, now let's consider the mood of things that people on this planet who have little or no interest in thisEvent or the creation of. The people I am referring to are the ones to follow in order to provide the joy of the other "football" codes in this diverse world of us.

Let me explain: We played a couple of other football codes around the world. The United States have their own special way, and in other countries, Rugby League and Rugby Union with a genuine passion to join him euphoric state in countries like New Zealand. There is another form of football playedAustralian Rules Football affectionately known as "footy, even if I conveyed tends to reject this new game as a sort of, because it really was played before the world and can not be compared favorably to play a codes of other, mainly because of lack of foresight by the management. This is not to say that they have a strong following.

Let me say first of all. Which of ball games is your cup of tea,Fine. I can live with it. It 's just the title of your sport that I find something strange. I have heard criticism of football - I mean the real game of football - that sarcasm about the header of the ballet-type, some of the players and talent as an actor of some of its participants and professional, to a degree that I resign.

But facts are facts, irrefutable and concrete. This sport is the only football code that promotes the use and skill with his feet for its players. The word, myFriends, it is "Football."

In all the others mentioned, ninety percent of the time the ball in the hands of the player is required. OK, so every now and then kicks - very rare in the American version. In addition, it will "not require an argument that some code" football "at all if they are entitled to just call someone on the stage play as a specialist in reality is a game to start the ball or add" bonus points aTeam as a whole.

Enough is enough. I could go on forever continue. Do not think we could ever get to court with this, because everyone has their opinion about their favorite, but I think I made a good argument for football as the only true football.

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