Friday, May 21, 2010

Game Testing Job Hoax

I have always been a keen gamer. You can imagine my excitement when a buddy of mine told me that you can get paid to play video games. What I did not realize was that there are a bunch of online scams out there, waiting to prey on newcomers to video game testing. I wrote this article because I wanted to make sure everyone is aware of this game testing hoax.

My Story

About 2 years ago I was just your average die hard gamer. I would spend anywhere up to 40 hours a week playing video games. I was finding it hard to keep my part time job. So one day a buddy of mine tells me he knows this guy who is making like $80 per hour beta testing unreleased video games - it sounded more than ideal.

So I jumped online and started doing some searches for 'game testing' and 'video game tester job'. There were a bunch of these game testing guides that were promising instant job offers and pay in excess of $100 per hour. I could not resist, so I coughed up the cash and kicked back and waited for the offers to come in. Guess what? They never did. Well, only one lame offer for an online game that was paying like $10 per hour. I was out of cash, and as you can imagine pretty angry.

So I emailed these guys a few times requesting refunds. I never heard back from them. They did not have a money back guarantee. It was a total scam!

I was about to give up, but was still determined to find a game testing job. So I jumped on a few forums for video game testers. I met some pretty cool dudes, and they told me about this game testing guide which had landed them heaps of good paying jobs. So I gave it one last shot, and invested in the guide.

As I mentioned that was 2 years ago. Today I make a full time income from game testing. I totally owe it to the guide which has hooked me up with the majority of my video game testing jobs. It's a great lifestyle for gamers, and all you need is the right job offers to succeed.

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