Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mahjong Sets

Mahjong is a game that has ancient origins and has become popular around the world, evolving different rules and playing styles in different countries. There are many different versions of the game from the traditional Japanese and Chinese version to slightly different games played by Europeans and Americans. Each style of playing uses a different style of tile set although all are very similar and have characteristics of the original game.

The first Mahjong sets were made of ivory although modern sets are seldom manufactured using this material as it has become illegal in most places. Although ivory sets are not produced anymore. Most modern sets are still made to resemble ivory with pieces that are white or off white in color. The original Mahjong sets were works of art that featured tile designs that were unique to a family or lineage and are the inspiration for the artistic sets produced today.

Today Mahjong sets are made of many materials. The most traditional materials still used are animal bone which can be processed and finished to be very elegant and beautiful. Contemporary sets are more often made of plastic although fancy sets can be made of other materials such as resin. Most modern sets still try to resemble the original designs although some specialty sets diverge and give the game a more contemporary feel.

No matter what material a Mahjong set is made of, it still has characteristics from the original sets made centuries ago. All Mahjong sets feature pictures that are arranged similarly to card suits although the picture design can vary. Today Mahjong sets are still made that also have customized designed symbols on the back of the tiles for a specific person or family just like the original sets. Most tiles also share similar dimensions, usually 1 and ½ inches long and 1 inch wide. Most sets also include small tracks or stand to arrange tiles on so players can better see them yet shield them from the view of opponents.

Most Mahjong sets also include a box of some sort to store the tiles in. The boxes can vary in design as widely as the tiles them selves and can be made form the same material as the tiles or a different material such as wood, metal or even plastic. Some boxes are very ornate, decorated like the tiles and intended to be displayed while others are plain and made only to be functional. Some boxes are also lined with velvet or other soft material to protect the tiles; this is especially common for sets made of expensive quality materials to prevent damage.

The rules of the game can also differ depending on where you live and who you play with. Some people play with traditional rules that closely resemble the rules used when the game first originated, but there are many other variations that are also popular. If you are interested in Mahjong, you are sure to be able to find a set that reflects your style and taste and makes the game an enjoyable experience.

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