Sunday, January 16, 2011

Classic and inexpensive Christmas gifts for children

Each year we are bombarded with advertisements, articles and news hottest Christmas gifts for children. These gifts are usually expensive, electronic and related to because of high demand. This has to wonder what happened to the classic economic Christmas gifts for children. You know what I mean. The gifts that we all have when we were young, we enjoyed the gifts on Christmas Day and throughout the year and in many cases still enjoy today. Unlike some of the gifts that havereally wanted one year and disappear as soon as the new year rolls around. Great gifts are evergreen classics, loved, and loved by generations.

Most were present for these games and toys that takes your mind and your need for some interaction with others. The memory of these great gifts classic came to mind last week while on Thanksgiving. I was visiting my nephew. He was playing with this electronic dinosaurs. This plastic creation is about a foot tall and looks like a 'T'Rex. With four "AA" batteries of the creature turns its head, shuffle his feet and roars. My nephew, who had ten are in the back of her closet. One of last year are the Christmas presents, had just spent the first year of collecting dust. I think it cost twenty or thirty dollars. I asked my nephew did not want to play with him, and he said: "It 's fun for a while' so boring here is the problem, this toy, like many others do not mind you can still intervene.really interact with her. Clear for a while 'is funny to watch his antics, but soon tired of sniffing, trailing fake dinosaurs.

After dinner, the dinosaurs long ago forgotten, we are all sitting around the kitchen table and played a game of Halma. The point is that some of these investments, more toys worth it, not many, and if your family is like mine, it's over, toys and games to talk to us all. But what are theseClassic economic gifts? To find out, I interviewed my grandchildren, all four of them, the more my children and asked my memory. I admit that it is not very scientific, but, curiously, all of us came up with many of the same games and toys.

Lego: My son and nephew are Lego fanatics. Now you can spend some serious money for Lego, but even smaller amounts for less than ten dollars. Here's a suggestion of my wife. For two dollars to buy my wife a big boxsell various Lego bricks in a day. These pieces have kept my nephew and his friends busy for hours.
Chess Set: War is the ultimate strategy game of chess. Chess Long War Hammer and all these games before it did.
Lady: It may be easier for a game of checkers. Cheap, fun and always exciting. Do not forget, Chinese checkers, and the way in which all the other games.
A card game: We always put in a card gameOur grandchildren socks, sometimes it's just a regular deck or in one of the new card games.
Jojo A: What child does not like Jojo? Duncan from a simple, sound and flashing lights. Remember, when using the Duncan yoyo man to demonstrate to travel from city to city yoyo tricks? No, I do.
A Dragon: Now here is a toy that each side to reach the yard or park. Kite can be a great hobby, as there are many very expensive kites. But to start withthe simple "bat" style. You can usually find these for less than ten dollars.
A large group of Crayola crayons: For the young kit, a set of crayons and some poster papers a great gift. Think of all those drawings you need to depend on the refrigerator.
A series of watercolors: Is there an artist in every child. A nice set of watercolors and shrubs bring hours of creative fun.
A number of blocks of wood for a younger child, a beautiful set of hardwood blocks are a perfect gift. Small buildingTowers and buildings is fun and creative and then you can kill them!
A set of fishing for beginners: Another good way to get outdoors, fishing, most municipalities have to have a small pond or you are probably closer than you think of a river or a lake. Both my sons and my daughters love fish.

Obviously, the list goes on. The ideas above these have stood the test of time, so that three generations of my family hours of fun and family solidarity. So before you drive yourselfcrazy trying to find the latest hot Christmas gifts, consider these classic and inexpensive gifts for Christmas for your children. Then I saw that you really need to get the number of toys for Christmas 2010 by all means. But also take a card game or crayons and a kit of paper. I can almost guarantee your children or grandchildren, with more time with these gifts with the excitement, lower the heat expensive toy. Merry Christmas!

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