Wednesday, June 30, 2010

4 Tips to Traveling With Your Dog

Those of us who have dogs at home know how good it is to have them around. Therefore, when it comes to taking a trip or going on a holiday somewhere, it means that we have to leave them little friends at home, under the care of neighbors, friends or dog care homes. Although these options are reliable enough, would it not be great to be able to carry them with us where we are going?

Take your Dog for a Ride

Most dogs like to travel as long as they are habituated to the idea of being in a car or any other moving closed space. Therefore, if your dog has never seen the insides of a car then you may want to take him to the park in your car for a week or so before putting him inside a train for a ten hour long journey.

How to Travel with Pets

If you are traveling by air, there are pet crates available that are made especially for their comfort and travel purposes. Buy one and place some blankets and other familiar objects that they are used to playing with. This will reduce the level of novelty for them, which can be quite daunting for the poor souls.

Be sure to have labels on the crate mentioning that a "Live Animal" is being carried inside it. Also include your name, ticket or seat number, your next destination (maybe a hotel name and phone number), phone and address details on the label so that in case your pet and you get separated during travel, the authorities know where to find you.

Sometimes you dot need a crate for them. In trains you can have them around you. Dogs can enjoy the passing scenery out of the train window as much as you. Just make sure you take them out to a secure area for bathroom purposes and clean up after them appropriately.

Calm them Down

If your dog is afraid of other animals, then being inside a carte for long hours amidst other dogs can be quite nerve-racking for the furry creature. Ask your vet if there is something you can do to calm him down. Although tranquilizing them totally is not the foremost idea that comes to someone's mind, you can always find ways to soothe them down or give them some mild medication to help them sleep or at least calm their nerves.

Securing them into Position and Carrying Enough Supplies

If you are driving with your dog in the car, make sure it is properly secured with seat belts. There are special baskets for dogs in cars which can be attached to the seat. You don't want to have them sniffing at your ears while you are concentrating on the road.

Make sure that you are carrying enough food and water for your pet. Pooper scoopers are also a must while traveling with your dog.

Make your reservations with hotels that allow pets to be brought in. However, the pet is solely your responsibility. Therefore, make sure that your dog does not disturb any of the other guests staying at your hotel.

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