Friday, June 25, 2010

A Brief History of Street Signs

Have you ever seen driving along a busy road, plenty of road signs, and everyone wondered where they came from? Perhaps not, but the history of road signs is very interesting and will talk of a big cocktail-making.

Street signs are used to communicate information. Road signs much sooner, if not all the signs. They were massively high pillars built by the Romans. These columns may know the extent to which travelers were from Rome and in which direction should. Travel This high stone towers were known as milestones.

During the mediaeval road signs was more advanced. intersections Many European countries have many signs indicating the way in some cities and countries. Some of these signs also note the distance of some cities.

The use of road signs was formalized and most popular, when the first cars hit the road. Drivers needed sign to tell them where they went up to get and they were. TheItalian Touring Club, in 1895 the first organized group to petition for better signage for motorists.

In 1908, the International Road Congress met in Rome to discuss signage on the roads of Europe. From that meeting came four symbols, which have been shown to determine the road conditions. The first four signs in modern times have been the "bump", "curve," "cut" or "crossing sign. These four represented the first system of the European shield.

The EuropeanSystem Shield has been the basis for the American system customized signs. Since 1960, America was represented by the symbols of international road conditions, speed limits and other travel information to motorists. Most countries now use the Help icon, scroll to international travel, with few problems. A set of standard international graphic symbol designed for road conditions and speed were limits.Modern travelers can also see many electronic signals along the streets.These signs can flash words or images can be immediately updated with your computer in order to take account of changed conditions. In America, this electronic signs are also used to make travelers aware of potential hazards and information for travelers. Every time an Amber alert, an alert of a missing child, these people came out flash information for the driver who can help the situation.

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