Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dante's Inferno

Dante's Inferno is a game published by Electronic Arts. The game is situated in a hell-like environment with various monsters. There are usually lots of damned souls and blade-wielding babies. As the protagonist carries a huge scythe, this is EA's portrayal of hell.

The games' executive producer Jonathan Knight shows the gameplay of their version of hell. With the first level Limbo looking hellish as on the trailers, this is definitely a game to look out for.

The game follows the literary masterwork Dante's Inferno in which there are nine layers of hell. With the first, one has a morbid and horrific environment with such a medieval version of hell along with the ugly sides of human nature.

Developers have distributed a player build of the game to gaming sits to see how it is shaping up. The epic poem of Dante's Inferno reflects in the gameplay. The producers said that it is complete in terms of adapting the story within the masterwork.

There are nine levels or circles of hell in Dante's Inferno. With the real work, Dante's grim poem is a travel diary in which he travels along the circles of hell. The story is told in first-person narrative as the protagonist is accompanied by a poet named Virgil. In which the real life work can be easily adapted for a real video game, the nine levels will definitely be a terrifying sight to see, surrounded by creatures and described perfectly by Dante's evocative speech. The final boss is none other than Lucifer himself.

There are usually some difficulties in translating a literary piece of art into a game. The people at EA Redwood Shores (people behind the action horror game Dead Space) have come to make sure the game is thrilling as possible.

The game will solely be presented in third-person perspective. Sadly, the game is still a year away from being released but the things have been greatly horrific in terms of gameplay.

Dante's early abilities have also been revealed. In the games' narration, there will be a tutorial level before the first one, which is called Limbo, which also explains the logic behind his motive to invade hell as he is on a search for a special woman named Beatrice. Along with the story on how he got the massive scythe. The tutorial also guides Dante on acquiring it. With battling death, after eventually beating him and taking his weapon to Dante's whims.

In which Dante was based as an Italian poet-philosopher, he is more beefy in game. With the massive scythes' long reach can easily keep small enemies away. With a complex combo system that can be mixed with light, heavy attacks and midair jumping skills, he becomes a one-man army tearing away the nine circles of hell.

The game is also reminiscent to God of Wars' button pressing scenes to soften up demons as Dante goes in for their mounts. There is a huge monster on the game in which he can ride and take control, spewing fire and biting heads of opponents.

As the game progresses, the creatures get more gruesome. In the first level, skeletal shades, huge demons with massive horns and bigger swords, blade babies, and flying harpy-like creatures are all teaming up to stop Dante. The producers mentioned that the blade-wielding babies have the least grounding in terms of religious history to which it is specifically believed that infants would end up in Limbo if they die unbaptized. But there is no logic to where the babies were put in hell and acquired swords in their hands but it's a sight to see in a great game like Dante's Inferno.

After all of the demon massacres, Dante's Inferno's narrative would have a moral underpinning that is seen in the gameplays' absolving and punish mechanics. There are periodic enemies that the Dante will encounter as they purposely want to be released from their hellish misery. There is also a game reward in pulling off button sequences as it will give you the games' currency and upgrade his weapons and abilities, with more complex absolving of a soul results in a greater reward.

With the game being on its early stages, graphically speaking, the game is the very essence of hell, which is being depicted with thousands of doomed souls over the games' backgrounds. As it only portrayed on its first level, the animations still need some tweaking but mostly impressive especially on the Dante's attacks.

Dante's Inferno is a great promising game. With still in its early stages of development, this can be touted as one of the most menacing material found since Doom. The games' mechanics might give out to be another God of War clone, but it is a challenge up to the developers to make a distinctive mark on this particular game. As the game progresses', the producers promise to keep the additional information flowing in the coming months.

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