Friday, June 4, 2010

The management of computer game addiction

In modern societies, video and computer games have provided escape for people with a great form that even a world designed because its completely different. These forms of games have caused a trend that never seems to fade. Thanks to the ongoing integration of modern information technology, continuous development of these games, always busy and attractive to players. If you think these games are providedthe company a great form of hobby or passing the time, think again. Gaming and many other psychological problems associated with computer games and video games as an important factor in addiction. Fun and entertainment are the main factors that cause addiction. While online games that managed to both change the world and the look on the dependence of modern trend.

Addicts also obvious gambling addiction, similar to those observed inSubstance abuse. If an individual tolerate the long hours of play or is miserable and irritable when the failure to do the job, he is already suffering from game addiction disorder. In severe cases, addicts become violent or depressed when they are denied the opportunity to play. If an individual is, despite knowledge of negative consequences that are carried on its activities, then the conditions can now be considered a true addiction and play.

Thedisturbing fact about this modern form of addiction is that it focuses on a specific age group. If a child is big enough to touch, understand, and the action of a video game console, he is already a risk that this disease affected gaming. The tricky thing for video games is that many parents seem harmless way to spend their free time as a kid. Behind the graphics sound, makes the system easily accessible pay them more attractiveinteresting to play, sometimes causing children to spend many hours playing in front of a console. On the other hand, the virtual adult games offer a great way to escape from the reality of real life player. Playing the computer or online games allow individuals to create and live a new personality in a world created virtually. In a sense, the games to oust those friends and families in the occupation of a social person should.

Until nowThe diagnosis of addiction to video games and video game addiction is still controversial and not yet complete. However, as drug, gambling and video game addiction Computer addiction manifests as tolerance of playing on an increase in the length of time, always think about the activity, the need to lie to cover up the feeling that growing dependence on gaming activities and feelings of irritability and mood swingswhen you play virtual prevented.

If you think your child is already affected by the disease, we recommend that you start games known about the child's behavior, reproduction of video and computers. Be critical of spending on the amount of time the child is playing and the problems that make up its activities. are also listed in critical games the child's behavior, when the game is implemented on time limits. Document allExplanations to help physicians determine the seriousness of the problem. Finally, consult a doctor immediately dependence start the game, that treatment is necessary to deal with dependence on video games and computers.

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