Monday, December 13, 2010

Boys and Their Toys

The way around these problems are to find things which can enhance the activities which they already like to take part in, so if they like to watch television with a cold beer, why not get them a frosty mug which will keep their beer cold and undiluted? Alternatively, novelty mugs always go down a storm so choose from groovy dad, Mr. grumpy or a mug which will stir his tea, coffee or hot chocolate automatically, at the touch of a button. If you can't tear him away from the television to go and have some fun then take the fun to him with an electronic Sudoku game, an old school Rubik's cube or even a belly button brush and if he spends more time in the bathroom than he does in front of the television, there are some great novelty rubber ducks, games to play while you're on the toilet and celebrity bubble bath to make him feel extra special.

Boys love their toys and men are no different, buying them something silly that takes them back to their childhood is a sure fire way to make the man in your life feel like he's still young, hence the birth of the executive toy market. Just because the man you're buying for has a smart office job, doesn't mean you have to buy him something boring like a tie, there are thousands of options available that won't shatter that professional image but will keep him entertained at work. From a rubber band shooter to a desk top juke box and you can even keep that beer belly at bay with an exercise kit to use at his desk.

If the man in your life is the outdoors type, it's almost guaranteed that going to the park reminds him of being a kid again and tending to a barbeque makes him feel like a 'real man' and there are plenty of gadgets for men and boys toys that will keep them happy for hours, in either situation. From remote controlled cars, aeroplanes and helicopters to a barbeque sword, novelty apron or inflatable and portable beer cooler, look out for something he'll love.

With so much choice around for boys toys, there's really no excuse to be stuck for what to get him and don't forget that the latest gadgets for men always go down a storm when the lads get together.

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