Sunday, December 12, 2010

Zelda Twilight Princess

Zelda Twilight Princess is the latest game in the Legend of Zelda series by Nintendo, and was released on the Wii and the Gamecube in late 2007. For those that have never Zelda Twilight Princess or indeed any Zelda game, the series was originally a 2D action-adventure game where you play a young boy named Link who must go on an epic quest to save the Princess Zelda and vanquish Ganon. When The Ocarina of Time game was released on the N64, the series adopted a 3D approach and the series was revolutionised. The Twilight Princess plays off of this approach perfectly, and it is the best looking Zelda game to date. It's realistic graphics and gritty content make it the first Zleda game ever to receive a 'T' rating, as it's a move away from the cartoon world of previous games.

One of the new additions to The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess is the ability to transform into a wolf and enter the Dark World, which truly adds a new dimension to the game.

One of the main criticisms of the Wii version of Zelda Twilight Princess is with the controls - holding a Wiimote upright for long periods of time is tiring on your arm, and can become annoying. That's part of the reason why many people actually rate the Gamecube version of the game more highly than the Wii version. While it is fun at first to use the Wiimote as a sword, and to hack and slash your way past enemies, the novelty quickly wears off and you're left wishing you could just relax with a regular controller. That being said, using the controller to aim and fire arrows is an absolute joy and something I'll never get tired of. The rumble in the controller makes the feeling of using a bow and arrow quite realistic, as you're given a sharp jolt after firing to represent the recoil.

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