Friday, December 17, 2010

Do Toilet Novelty Items Adorn Your Bathroom? Study Finds a Common Link to Bad Potty Training

Bathroom humor is a very popular concept of many colleges and single male bathrooms. Males seem to gravitate to this genre as a way to poke fun at one of the most important daily rituals that each and every person must go through. Toilet novelty items such as toilet tattoos, toilet paper with $100.00 bills or barbed wire imprinted on them are commonplace amongst the frat houses and bachelor pads across the country.

So what is it that draws an individual to adorn their bathroom with toilet brushes with the heads of past presidents or leopard skin padded toilet seats? Studies have found that this type of individual has deep seated issues stemming from negative experiences with potty training when younger. Yes, it has been proven that individual males who had difficult times graduating from the diaper to the potty, are more 87.2% more likely to use bathroom humor as a way to compensate for their failures in early childhood.

If we dissect the type of personality even further, we find that not only do they adorn their bathrooms with pictures of toilet seat clocks and light switch covers, they do so with pride. Their idea of normalcy in adding these types of bathroom decorations seem to promote a level of humor as a way to help the guest relax while they do their business.

In conclusion, if you know such a person that decorates their bathroom with toilet novelty items such as the ones mentioned above, you now know why they do so and can be more knowledgeable about their affliction.

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