Tuesday, August 3, 2010

7 great ideas to make money now!

Find a couple of ideas to help supplement your income or work for you? Here are seven ways to get started.

First Talk with the bag cause the other person is not listening
Knowing how it feels when you're so angry you could spit still seems to be nowhere that anger lose? How about selling a business with these creative printed paper bags. People can talk about their anger / names in these bags, then pop them, letting go of all that anger and evilFeelings. The grants would create convenient and easy to sell in bundles. Good idea for eBay, online auction houses and shops of novelty.

According Have fun and teach a profit!
You have a hobby you enjoy and are good - like knitting, sewing, crochet, embroidery, quilting, scrapbooking, gardening, bird watching, carved? Hold classes to teach people how to do these things. You can teach two or three classes, two hours per class. normal fee is around $ 40-60per class, depending on the number of hours. You can also provide the necessary materials for the class (fee) or have a list of products for the first class is available when people require login. Find a room or available to the class or check with a local rec center or school district to hold to see if they offer continuing education classes. Are you an overview class schedule ready.

There is a third weight gain or pregnancy?
There's nothing more embarrassing then askif a woman is pregnant, has gained a few pounds - or vice versa. Newly pregnant women love has announced her pregnancy and what better way then with bold T-shirt announcing "I'm pregnant!" Be creative with color and design. Good idea for eBay auctions, and shops for children.

Fourth postcards with attention grabbing
If you get a postcard in the mail, reads each. No opening of an envelope, quickly attracting attention, and less postage. Your customers send paymentspecific information to clients electronically or by mail. reminders for appointments, oil changes, preventive (cars, people, children, animals) - all reminders or new information from the sender service. And the hand facing cards get more attention than the printed version.

Fifth Mahjong jewelry
Mahjong is a game that originated in ancient China. The game uses tiles with letters and pictures on them. Some of the designs are very exotic. Findused games with missing pieces at garage sales or junk shops. Remove the tiles from those games and turn them into jewelry. Bracelets, earrings, necklaces, anklets. Charge $ 10 to $ 30 or more per piece, depending on the complexity of the design or combination of products for a complete set. Good idea for eBay, online auction houses and shops of novelty.

Sixth Recreate memories with LEGO
LEGOS are a good part of childhood memories and are stillPart of childhood today. Lego September in previous years are in high demand. This is a huge market for those looking for simplicity and innocence of their youth. Spend some time learning about older LEGO sets, so that a list of these sets. Search yard sales, estate auctions, and thrift stores for these sets of age. Clean them and put them together as a set for resale. It would sell well on eBay and auction sites online.

Seventh green cleaning service "
Green is the way to gotoday and a service that offers clean only "green" products (no harsh chemicals, natural products) would be very interesting for anyone environmentally aware. Do some 'research, effective products to use, find or create your own. $ 40 - $ 60 per hour would be a normal fee for such services. Make sure to use natural cleansers to stress. Houses always smell better when the products are natural.

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