Monday, August 9, 2010

Olympic Games of classical music composers

Despite the apparent incompatibility of terms like "music" and "Sports", have gone hand in hand for a number of centuries. In sport, the music was often used to emphasize the importance of an event. Stimulate public and athletes. Now used very often in sports. But the question is how sports can be used in music?

The classical composers are considered the founders of "sports music. And with the right to possess remarkable talent,These people were the first to introduce the complex steps and techniques in music, unknown to all. At first it seemed that modest attempts at the request of the composer to enter a new and unusual in the symphony of the basis for the public by surprise. But with every other work of composers mastered the possibilities of the instrument or instruments, was written for music.

Most were keyboard instruments, and soon there was a lot"News" in symphony. Finally, these innovations have been replaced by new, and so on. The composer continues to create new masterpieces and or deafness, as was the case with Beethoven, even blindness, as in Bach, will be able to stop these people to write new compositions.

We are not too deep in the past, and we devote our attention only on those composers and performers, modern music to the hardest hit.

The first persontake in this debate is the Italian violinist Niccolo Paganini. After the extraordinary long hands and fingers at birth, quickly dominated Paganini's violin and guitar. He developed his talent and has broken every record pace. The tip of the creativity of the great Italian violinist was 24 Caprices and five concertos for violin and orchestra, where the great master showed his brilliant genius. There is perhaps no one can beat him in the performanceTechnology.

However, when Paganini was the first of violinists and guitarists of his time, then classical music is known, a number of keyboard players with great technique. However, there were among them Heads of State and Government as well. The first to be quoted Frederick Chopin and Franz Liszt. And if Chopin has left only his own "fantasy sports, and Liszt, sought the infinite possibilities of a grand piano, as well as demonstrate their written compositions, such asWork of other composers for symphony orchestra, written for piano. You can imagine the speed, have the hands and fingers of the musicians to move, while all parts of the orchestra playing on a keyboard black and white?

In addition to musicians, composers of classical music enjoyed the singers get to that in their vocal pieces. The greatest agony was endured by the tenors. Often it was those high notes that could cause an ordinary person to lose singVoice. But the professional singers, often successful, his voice after the first two or three lines of the trunk. For example, singing some of the astrologers in the opera "The Golden Cockerel" by Rimsky-Korsakov.

As for percussion, music sports use them mainly to black jazz musicians in the late nineteenth century has arrived. Each year, the jazz increasingly complicated. Because of the complexity of the service, it soon became the eliteMusic.

Parallel to the development and popularity of jazz in America, the Spanish flamenco guitarist were in Europe, new, competing with each other. Have improved performance speed to a level that many of the compositions sounded like a frantic trills. It was absolutely impossible to remember a single note of it.

Fresh Breath in sport music was rock music and his first band, The Beatles, Rolling Stones and Cream.

But the first to develop the realSports approach to rock music was the legendary Jimmy Hendrix. Was what could be done with a show guitar. Music was the aerobatic stunts!

And this is only a small part of the long list of famous names of those Olympic Games in Musicals.

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