Thursday, August 26, 2010

Retrophilia - The love of all things Retro

The word "retro" implies that something is old fashioned, timeless or classic. The word derives from Latin, is used as a prefix meaning "back" or "past". This application can be seen in words such as "retrospective" a nostalgic look back and "retrograde" refers to a movement towards progress in the past and the future. Most people hear the word "back" with the era of the fifties associates, but on a much wider rangequestions the cultural, social and artistic. To describe something so retro, it assigns a positive label eccentricity or charisma, but also to infer that it is no longer available, although it is still very desirable.

You can find the word "back" is associated with many areas of popular culture such as fashion, art, sports, music, and eroticism. be increased in 1960, the use of the word "retro", used when the U.S. space program to a rocket, describing the pressure generated in aopposite direction of motion of the spacecraft in orbit, hence the "retrograde rocket. Other examples are" retro chic "styles include old-fashioned as the poodle skirts since 1950.

Retro Art, clip art as the "Retro is, from Pop Art, which was developed in 1940 and 1950 results. Retro Art usually refers specifically created for advertising in this period of art. Printing technology was infancy at that time and most printedThe materials were limited to one color. These were the restrictions that were professional illustrators went to an art style, which was significantly easier to develop and then reproduced in the headrest for the technology industry. The development of such retro is also influenced by the French Revolution at the turn of the century Art Nouveau. Art Nouveau, even if it is unpopular by art experts at the time, even on very simple designs. After this came the RussianConstructivism during the Bolshevik revolution, the real weight to the trend of graphics and simplification was then helped the Art Deco movement in 1920. In 1930, artists had professional line shader techniques, such as cross hatcing and abandoned wells and style with pure white or black regions.

Retro music generally described in the dance music of the United States in 1990 and was originally known as New Wave. The further developmentelectronic devices during this period contributed to the dissemination of electronic music, a departure from traditional electromechanical devices. Although this was driven by a movement into the mainstream, not all dance music was at that time as the retro music. dance music style of psychedelic trance, psytrance, etc., are still very much alive. Today, the retro music affects only the retro music of the period.

Retro erotica can be classified as modernPhotography in an older style. This distinguishes them from vintage erotica, though the actual duration of photos or movies. Retro is generally photographic pornography hardcore erotic pinup or nude images. It dates back to 1970, sometimes earlier, and particular styles of lingerie, as the bullet bras, girdles and garters, and hairstyles, makeup and period objects.

Retro sport garments are sought after products in good standing from the 1970s and 1980s and includes such elements asFootball jackets, sweaters and t-shirts with the logos of the club. Their designs usually remember the past to color and lines on the sides as representative of those periods. One example is the World Cup held in Mexico in 1970. Retro Sport clothes are so popular that now brands like Puma, Nike and Adidas have dedicated divisions to have this tendency, and are not excluded from this lucrative market, some football, basketball and baseball bats again theirFormer clothing for sale.

In this world of rapid changes in modern technology, it is perhaps surprising to learn that the games retro computer games vintage vintage or game console has become a popular pastime. Retro-gamers are often antiquated systems like Atari 2600, Dreamcast and Nintendo Entertainment System. The Atari 2600 video-game console in 1977 was published in October. It 'was on to promote the use of microprocessor based hardwareand the game code to use cartridges. In fact it was the Fairchild Channel F, the first use this format but it was the Atari 2600, the gaming world familiar with the concept of plug-ins.

The desire for a sense of nostalgia, but not sentimental, is the driving force behind all things retro. You connect to specific times and trends in history and reminds us where we come from. Retro is stimulating, educational and sometimes frivolous. It allows us, in the comfort of memoriesOur life is very modern and trends, technology, fashion and attitudes to explore the good old days.

In the words of American poet Walt Whitman (1819-1892) "The past - the dark bottomless Review! The swarming Golf - the sleepers and the shadows! Past! The infinite greatness of the past for what this is, after all but growth than in the past? "

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