Sunday, August 22, 2010

Why Team Building Games ever Sessions

team-building activities are becoming increasingly popular with organizations in Singapore. Organizations pay huge sums for consultants to get their employees out here that play. Why play a team of professional development activities? If these team-building games ultimately benefit workers or the company?

People are the greatest asset of any business. People People - - with the ability to createto reach across borders, but the problem is that not everyone in the vicinity of their latent is unleashing. Why so, you may ask?

Often, care and support for a person to realize his potential is essential. each individual the ability to learn and change, and therefore more energy in their work, much is given, how they feel. An environment where people feel valued and capable is an environment that fosters growth - and is ready forSuccess.

Any organization that should be considered successful to know about grooming leaders, nurturing individuals and team building among individuals. Everyone needs skills that directly affect their work would be the scope and ability to build the camaraderie of working areas will be allowed.

Team Building Games
In his book "Understanding how people learn," says author David G Reay, that learning is really a natural phenomenon - thatall animals do have a more or less, especially during their maturation, but also during adulthood.

Learning is:

1 ° continuous
Consciously or unconsciously, we are learning new things all the time, is superficial - like learning is hot now - or low - like learning what it means to love!

2 · Natural
Want to learn is a natural state. able to do something associated with success, not to know is associated with failure - and no reasonable person proved a failure.

3 · Closely related to doing things - "experiential"
Learning through the theory is a skill acquired, but the experiential learning is a natural ability. Take the example of a child to force things into a box with cutouts of different shapes in efforts to understand the spatial relationships. The child makes attempts to form until you understand how it works and managed the game "Game> '. Only if you can do something you can actually claim to understand how it's done.

Now we know that experiential learning is a natural process, which is that some people never learn? There are several obstacles to experiential learning, where:

· Lack of motivation

· Realtor work environment

Inappropriate · Subject

Spend as experiences

· Pictures of cars

· Study inadequateSkills

· Poor memory

Any combination of the above factors will hinder the process and the resistance pattern of experiential learning.

A clever way to overcome these barriers is the introduction and promotion of experiential learning through play - the game of games.

Construction of team games will help us remember, too. Studies show that we remember well where we have fun. In his book "The Power of Mindful Learning, encourages Ellen J. LangerIntroduction of learning materials to play through. The logic behind this is that people are trying new game is in trouble and that must be observed in such situations, because if something is new, we notice them on Different Things. In the game, building team games, players consider precisely all aspects of the situation to understand how to win - win / overcome, is a strong motivating factor.

Also at stake are the people in a relaxed manner and aretherefore experience less safe and less aware of the past. The defenses are also in an informal setting, providing a low resistance or low against the values of learning outcomes.

Another good news is that games do not require extensive study skills or extensive use of memory - at least not for the Team Building Games developed anergy. This allows anyone to participate in an organization, regardless of qualifications, and everyone canadvantage of the learning points provided during the session of team building.

Co-authors of "World Class Training," Kaye Thorne and Alex Machray, explaining that "most memorable learning experiences (learning is expriential) usually in a special environment." The correct choice of location and layout are essential to promote experiential learning. Most team building games require our out-of-the-rules, away from hard work, structured tables or boardroomClassroom / theater-style regime. The different settings would prove to be a refreshing change and certainly more interesting for people to be. during team-building, informal atmosphere also sets the stage for people unconsciously reveal otherwise hidden features in formal settings.

Another research project for the National Training Laboratory (USA) has also shown that learning by doing (experiential learning) has proved the most effective next to the coaching staff.

"If we findWays to enjoy our work - blurring the boundaries between work and play - the gains will be greater. "- Ellen Langer, professor of psychology at Harvard University

Another pleasure of playing in the team building the band, the teams will be determined from within. When team members work together to achieve something, the spirit of camaraderie is inculcated, and lingers even after the event. to have fun together, team members also receive in-depthUnderstanding of each other in a non-threatening environment. This will ultimately contribute to the management of differences in personality styles, and adds to greater cohesion within an organization.

What can I say? Simply put, through experiential learning games for team building, in turn, would be more productive, effective, memorable and even more worth it!

As a wise man of old, "explained what I hear, I forget what I see, I remember, but what I do, Iunderstand. "- Confucius 451 BC

Copyright © 2003.

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