Saturday, August 14, 2010

A brief history of the Carrom game tables

In 1889, Henry Haskell, a Sunday school teacher, was about the growing number of kids who have hanging on the pool rooms in question. He decided to use his inventive spirit and intelligence to create games for the kids to be healthy and pleasant. Carrom is offering family fun for all ages since then. Some games test your skill or strategy games use others were just for fun.

The Carrom Company has undergone name changes over the years(Originally the Ludington Novelty Company until 1901), but today the company is known as the Carrom, as it was known in 1939 and 1914.

The original drawings were playing carrom table top games. They are usually made of wood about 30 "square, which often had rounded corners and Some with pockets in each corner for several games. Patterns of play on each hand were side.

Here's a quick look at the game boards Carromproduced until 1945.

A - The most beautiful and elegant board ever made, without the exchange of approximately 1902 to 1941.

B - 4-board surface with the removable panel, 1902-1939.

BB - Baseball / Crokinole, 1938-1941.

C - "Corona combination w / Spider game Flies, 1899-1943.

D - n ° 2 - "Flags of Nations, 1902-1941.

E - No 1 - A very popular, 1899-1939, painted in red and black with a 1-1/2 "thickcircle, first editions, rare red and green. Replaced by the style "Q in 1934, but was short from 1937 to 1939 with a 1-1/4" circle restored.

F - Austere (cheap) version of "A", 1901-1938. Probably the second "E" in popularity.

G - No. 2-1901 until about 1930, a significant improvement edition Ludington Novelty Co. 'S board first, the bags were made of wood. rare editions soon come in red and green. All the others are red and black.

GP -Half of 1940, as "Carrom Checkers", an unusual variant of the realization of the old design and Checker on one side and "C" Spider and Fly away. 29 "squares.

H - octagonal board Crokinole, 1900-1936 exhibition catalog, 1904, H-1, 29 "diameter, H-2, 31", H-3, as H-2, but green felt in the well, with several other varieties.

H-4 - Sharp square-square 28-1/2 "board from 1937 to 1939, maybe 1940, very rare for a board at low cost.

J - Develop baseball boardproduced by about 1908, still a catalog of 1927. Very rare.

K - 1939 -1941 Carrom "Viking" problem with Chinese checkers on the back. No marble - a flat in a game with many wooden markers.

LF - 1938 - 1939 aboard a baseball to honor Lew Fonseca, Celebrity Baseball 1920 & 1930; other side of the table is empty. Game identical to "BB".

Or - in late 1930 carrom game tables, known as the Carrom board. TheCarrom / Checkers side is exactly the corresponding page of the "E", and the opposite side contributes nothing more than a full-size model of backgammon in red and black.

P - Carrom Pleasure "at the end of 1930, 24" on board, one side led the game Spider & Flies and, second, brought the old game of Fox & Goose.

D - "board Viking" was introduced in 1934 to replace the "disappeared around 1947 E.

QS - 1944 (only?) Identical to the "Q"but "ended up in a brown stain" ad (wartime shortage of supply of wood).

SP - board sports, 1939-1941, baseball, such as "BB", football on the other hand, hard to find.

T - "Tennis Carrom, 1940-1943, 168 pieces, the surface of the board 5, Carrom Industries designers really had a ball this year with fun, very rare.

X - at the end of 1930, known as "Cadet".

Y - 24 "Board Playboy since 1935, could be a serious and minorPrecursor of the "GP"

YP - similar to the "Y", the issue of board composition of war.

Carrom makes for some classic games, but today has developed over time through the introduction of popular games. Some of the Carrom game tables, which are popular family rooms across the country are air hockey, football and hockey stick .

So if you like the classic game, or the modern game of Carrom board games, iscan not go wrong with a game of Carrom is always good to see company All American company with a long and great history as the Carrom.

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