Thursday, July 22, 2010

Be Prepared When You Go to the Fair - Make Sure You Have Everything

If you plan on winning stuffed animals or getting other things like that then you should take a large garbage bag with you. Many times the carnies working the games and the novelty workers will not have extra bags available. The best place to find the large stuffed animal bags would be the long range basketball games. They generally give away many large animals and the bags do no get as damaged as fast as they get emptied of their stuffed animals in the waiting arms of all the games winners.

Many people want to save food items. The best way to do this is to carry a duffel bag or back pack. The stands are re-supplied using cardboard boxes. The carnival policies often call for all vendors to get their boxes out of plain view or disposed of. Basically it will not be easy to get a box on the spot. So carry something that will preserve your tasty take-home carnival and fair food.

It is good to bring your credit card. Most larger carnivals and committees will have an ATM on the fair and festival lot. Quite a few fair goers do not bring as much money as they wind up wanting to use once they get there and start spending. A credit card will allow patrons to get cash to spend while at the event. May times there will be multiple ATM;s, so if the first one is out of cash, find another one.

If it looks like rain, and you are going to go to the event anyway, you should have an umbrella. It is also good to have a rain coat or rain poncho with you also. You can do most anything at a festival weather it rains or shines. Things like these will keep you fairly dry and warm. The best easy rain gear to have would be the kind and size you can roll up and put in a area the size of a tall pocket. You may also want to wear the right footwear to keep warm if bad weather does happen.

If you and your party are planning on doing different things and will be separated it is good to have a cell phone or two. You should try to have a cell phone for every pod in your party that will separate from the main group. If you have three kids all going different ways then they should each have a mode of communication. You can meet back up with each other much easier this way. It is way easier and less complicated than those old rendezvous points.

Once you are at the celebration you should see if they have maps of the facility. The map of the grounds is often in the same pamphlet telling the schedule of events at the event. It will be much easier to find things you have planned to see as well as do some things you had not planned. Now that you have a map, you can create a rendezvous location. And also a time when you want to meet back up with your party or for the event you somehow get separated.

It is also a good idea to have seats for everyone with you. Even if you leave them in the trunk until you need them. Most events do not have enough places to sit for the patrons. Many fairgrounds are pretty large and your feet have a good chance of getting tired. The best seats are the small fold up chairs they sell at many major department stores. They are not heavy to carry and will be of great use at many events.

I know you will remember the camera and or video recorder right. That is on you if you take one. But please do not harrass the workers with these pesky tools. And do not attempt to use your camera for intimidation purposes. But do make sure you have enough film or memory space available for the amount of time you will spend having a good time. Have fun!

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