Friday, July 16, 2010

Great Pub Hen Party Games

Hen Night Party Games to Play in the Pub

If you're organising a night out on the town for a hen night then pub he night party games are an essential part of the planning. Party games that you can play in a pub or a bar are a great way to get everyone in your hen group involved, chatting to teach other and most importantly having a good laugh! There are a number of different activities and games that are perfect for a hen night out and we've picked out some of our favourites which go hand in hand with a pub atmosphere!

Forbidden Words

One thing you can pretty much guarantee when you get a group of best buddies together is that there will be plenty of talking, and a hen night is no exception. Chatting and laughing with one another is an essential part of the hen night rituals and there's no reason why you can turn it into a game as well! Often talk will turn to the wedding, so a fun game to play is having words which must not be uttered for the entire evening. Anyone caught saying these words will have to do a forfeit or take a drink! Naturally the more you drink the harder it is to remember which the forbidden words are. Fun words to try are "groom", "wedding", the groom's name, and "bridesmaid". You could even try other words like "glass", "pint" and "wine" to make ordering drinks a bit more interesting!

Forfeit Cards

If you want a hen night of outlandish behaviour and lots of laughs then you shouldn't leave the house without a pack of forfeit cards. These cards are easy to find and will list a whole range of challenges and dares that girls have to do as a forfeit. They can be used as part of another game, for example "truth or dare" or in the above game of Forbidden Words. Dare cards might little challenges like trying to order a round of drinks without speaking, or they might be as raucous as trying to get a guy to give up his underwear as a hen night souvenir!

Mr. and Mrs. Quiz

This game might take a little preparation but is great fun to play on a hen night. Before the hen party, take some time to ask the groom and his friends some questions and put all the answers together. Then, on the night put the hen on the spot and see how well she knows her husband to be!

Good questions include:

1.    What nickname did the groom have at school

2.    How old was he when he had his first kiss

3.    What's the most embarrassing thing he's done when drunk?

The girls can then decide what punishment the bride has to face if she gets a question wrong. Will it be to take a drink or to do a challenge from the forfeit cards?

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