Monday, July 12, 2010

Storyline - Short Films

Nowadays it seems a bit unbelievable, that around a hundred years ago the motion picture and the cinema were unknown concepts. According to film historians, the history of motion picture started in Paris, in December, 1895. At this time the Lumieres brothers were presenting their first moving pictures. Although moving records had already created earlier, those were not made for the public. The novelty of the film: the point is rather on the motion, but not on the telling of the stories.

At this time, screenplays had not already existed. The short stories simply presented reality. In one of the tapes, it was recorded when a train arrives at the station. The film makers videotaped the engine as it would arrive to the screenplay from the depth, directly towards the spectators. Those who sat in the front row were really afraid when the train grew higher above them. It was then that many people were running out of the cinema.

We can call the period from 1895 to 1929 the period of mute films because at the beginning of film history; there was no sound. The appearance of the sound has brought a significant change, a well selected sound system complete the film. The imagery elements are the primary ones within the film in the future too, so after the presence of the sound especially the sight has to transmit the artistic message.

After 1930 the sound motion picture dominated in the movies. Slowly evolved several film genres and styles. Beside the linear scenes which recorded the natural passing of time, evolved such technical elements which were presenting the breaking of time.

From the 50's and 60's we can talk about film art, this period lasts till nowadays. Today film making has developed to an enormous branch of industry. The frequently huge estimated works reach millions of people, each time producing vast profit for its creators. From 1990 film festivals are held all over the world, where beside the presentation of new works, these productions can compare with each other.

A special film category is the group of short films. First of all it is not about summary, but quantity differences. Its significance is the Internet, according to its size it is more suitable for this kind of publication. With the spread of the small, home video cameras practically anybody can make his/her own directed short film. In several film reviews and festivals, the short movie has got a special section, which is really popular. We can view many award winning short films on various video share portals.

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