Saturday, July 24, 2010

Play Sex Games And Spice It Up

Play sex games and really spice it up! There are all sorts of sex games to play, games that focus on romance and intimacy, games that focus on foreplay and role playing games are just a few of the sex games that people play.

Sex games can turn a tame experience into a wild one, or bring you and your partner closer through more intimate experiences. Here are a few reasons people play sex games:

- to increase passion, when things really get hot fan the flames of desire,

- for novelty, such as when we change the location or the time of day, our brains like new experiences,

- to build self-esteem and confidence, when you feel great about who you are and in your body you will exude sex appeal,

- the sensation of touch, sensual touch stimulates endorphins, what a great way to feel good, no wonder everyone needs the human touch,

- for regularity, regular sex keeps us feeling good,

- to engage emotionally, sex without an emotional connection with your partner is like being in a desert instead of a lush garden.

There are many simple games you can play. A simple game such as reading Forum Magazine or other sexually explicit material with your partner and then acting out a favorite passage can result in unusually steamy sex play.

Another game you can is to trace the word "Penis" on your lover's back while their eyes are closed. You lover must of course guess what word you are tracing on their back. Spice the game up - if your lover can guess what you have traced on the first try then you have lost, and must do whatever your lover wants you to do for the next hour. If you must keep tracing the same word on your lover's back, then they lose, and they must do what ever you want them to do for the next hour.

A sex board game or game of dice can be fun to play and open up new vistas for you. One such dice game is Willy Play. Willy Play gives foreplay suggestions for his willy! One die says things like: suck, nibble, stroke and the other lists parts of his willy. Whether you be male or female, straight or gay, part of a couple or single, imagine what you could do with a pair of dice like that!

Another romantic foreplay game is the Fleur D'Amour, or flower of love. This is a single red rose that you can present to your lover with a flourish. On each petal of this tall-stemmed rose is printed a sensuous suggestion for lovers to perform on each other. To play you take it in turns to fold back a petal and act out the suggestion, be it a gentle neck rub, a bit of strategic tickling, or something more racy. By the time you are finished with the game you will have most likely shed all of your clothes as well as your inhibitions. The petals of the rose will bend back into place once you are done, so you can use the Fleur D'Amour again and again.

There are tons of other games you can play. If you are interested in finding sex games do a search on the Internet. There are so many games to choose from, you might have a difficult time picking one out.

I ask you, when you play sex games is there a winner or a loser when the prizes are so sweet?

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