Sunday, July 25, 2010

Win the Battle For a Tidy Room - Organizing Kids Rooms

Keeping some sense of order and organizing kids rooms is an ongoing challenge for most parents. Exactly what level of organization you need will be different for each of us, depending on the age and nature of your kids (as well as yourself), but by taking the time to 'give everything its place', you are giving your kids the ability to keep a tidy room, no matter what their age.

Here's our 5 top tips to get some organization happening in your child's room:

Keep items at a reachable level. Obviously this will change with age, but kids can put toys away when they can reach containers, baskets or whatever storage you choose. If you keep storage out of their reach, then you will always be the one doing the tidying.
Select the type of storage that works for you, and the type of toys your child has. A bookcase is a great starting point in any bedroom, and you can place baskets, plastic storage and other containers on the shelves. Depending on the size of your child's room, you can also go for an under-bed trundle, desk with storage or toy chest.
Use labels, color coding, pictures so that your child knows which items go where. You can pictures of the toys and laminate them and stick them to the front of plastic containers.In my house we have a variety of different coloured and shaped baskets and in time my kids have learnt which items go in which basket.
Kids produce a whole lot of artwork (my fridge is evidence of this!). Display what you can, perhaps on a rotating basis, and keep a folio or low & wide plastic container to keep all their work in.At the end of each year we go through and keep the best, and recycle the rest. Keep the folio where they can help you put creations that they want to keep so that you don't have drawings spread all over your house.
Most kids these days have an excess of toys. Put away toys that your kids don't use all the time, and bring them out occasionally so that they maintain some of their novelty. Encourage your kids to play with one item at a time, and once they finish with it, put it away before starting on the next activity.Obviously for toddlers, this is a challenge, but if this becomes a routine early in life, they will do it automatically as older children!
Establishing a good level of organization for toys, craft and clothes in your child's room might take a little bit of your time and energy. It is a great opportunity to declutter, and donate unused items to friends or charities, as well as providing your child with a space that he/she actually wants to spend time because all their precious things have pride of place.

*Tip- always praise your children if you catch them tidying up on their own, and make tidying fun, do it together, we sing a cleaning up song about cleaning fairies and gnomes!

Nicole O'Reilly is a work at home mother to two girls, and makes a habit of living in a kid friendly, but clutter-free environment! More help organizing kids rooms and decorating kids rooms at Kids Fun and Games.

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