Friday, July 9, 2010

World of Warcraft Midsummer Festival - Time to Level Those Lowbies

The WoW Midsummer Fire Festival is here, and with it comes a host of interesting events, quests, novelty items, achievement opportunities, and buffs. While it can be very fun during this festival to deck out your level 80 character with all the cool clothes and other novelty goodies, the real exciting part of this event is the leveling opportunities it provides for anyone willing to take advantage of them.

The WoW Midsummer Fire Festival is an even that runs from June 21 - July 4. During the festival, characters are awarded items called Burning Blossoms for completing various simple tasks & quests around the World of Warcraft. Also, a bonfire and a pole with a ribbon on it are placed somewhere just outside of every major Horde and Alliance camp.

Here's the cool part (or hot part - it is a fire afterall): You can throw your Burning Blossoms into the bonfire to receive a buff that increases your critical strike chance by %3, and causes fire damage equal to your level to all attackers (e.g. level 15 = 15 damage to attackers). If you dance around the ribbon pole you get another buff that increases your experience gained by %10. And if someone lights an extinguished bonfire, everyone in the zone receives a buff that gives you a %30 chance to cause extra fire damage when attacking. The damage is equal to your level multiplied by 10 (e.g. level 10 has a %30 chance to cause 100 extra damage).

All this is incredible for leveling! Especially at low levels. Just think if you're level 20 and you're using all these buffs, you are receiving 10% more experience, critically hitting 3% more of the time, causing an automatic 20 fire damage to any mob that attacks you, and doing an extra 200 damage on almost every 1 in 3 attacks or spell casts.

If you've ever wanted to level that ugly troll or cute little gnome alt sitting on your account, the Midsummer Fire Festival is the time to do it.

Here's a quick recap for you:

Obtain Burning Blossoms
Throw Burning Blossoms into Bonfires
Dance Around the Ribbon Pole Until You Receive 60 Minute Buff
Ignite Any Extinguished Bonfires You Find
Level Faster Than You Ever Have Before

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